Get the Most Out of Coaching: Progress Reflection
3 steps to reflect on coaching progress
Regular and seasonal reflection vs occasional and sporadic reflection on progress makes key difference. That’s how we know in real time how aligned we are towards set goals and adjust as needed.
Step 1: Review Goal(s)
Think back what you decided to work on maybe 1 or 3 months ago and re-evaluate: is it still critical, are resources needed still available, and what has changed that makes achieving this goal easier ot more challenging?
If tasks have been completed since, review them.
If assessment(s) have been used, discuss results with your coach.
Step 2: Highlight Mindset, Skills, and Tools
Narrow down to a short and powerful list of mindset, skills, and tools that are the most helpful you have practiced during this past phase. Specify how they contribute to your work.
As you identify these highlights, take a moment for self-affirmation.
Step 3: Evaluate Progress
Where your are currently in terms of meeting set goal(s), how do you like the pace, what has been working well and what needs to be improved?
You are done! Document this reflection and use it for the next phase planning. Good luck!
With Care,